Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Giddy Up!

I had another doctor's appointment today, and all appears to be well with the Jelly Bean. I didn't have an ultrasound, but I did get to hear the heartbeat for the first time! That was really cool. It sounded more like a "gallop" than a heartbeat because it was beating so quickly. When the doctor first put the doppler on my stomach, we couldn't hear the heartbeat, but we could hear the baby kicking around in there! Although I can't feel anything yet, I feel sure we have an active one on our hands. Surprise! Surprise! Heart Rate was 130-140, which is within the normal range. I think I have gained 2 or 3 pounds since my last appointment. My next appointment is July 5th. Hopefully, we'll be scheduling THE ultrasound at that time.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"Snap, Crackle, Pop!"

So...the craving of the week this week is RICE CRISPY TREATS! I guess I know where I am going on my lunch break... across the street to the grocery store! I think it's pretty obvious the Jelly Bean has a sweet tooth (which is okay with me)! My new motto is: The BABY made me do it!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Craig! Today is our 2nd anniversary. It's hard to believe that we were in the Bahamas this time 2 years ago. I think it might be hotter here than it was there! Time sure does fly, and life sure has changed. We love you!
Nance, Molly and the Jelly Bean

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Even Molly loves Bagels!

Take a look at Molly's new BAGEL BED. She loves it! It's bolstered on the sides with a pocket in the middle. She hops in and sinks right down in the middle. Her wound is healing nicely, and she has finally stopped licking. She should get her stitches out this week. She isn't putting her leg down very much yet, but I am hoping that will come soon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It's Birthday Time!

We love Birthdays at the Norris house! Today is Craig's 28th birthday. He sure is getting old, but we love him anyway. (I wonder if he will have any hair left this time next year)! His day began with a trip to the gym, then breakfast at Hardee's with me. Seems kind of counterproductive, but hey, it's his birthday! When I asked him where he wanted to eat dinner for his birthday, he said HARDEE'S! So, we compromised and went to Hardee's for breakfast. Then, it was time to open some gifts, and then it was off to work for a while. No birthday is complete without a birthday dinner with friends. We had dinner at Dockside with the Stansells, the Grices, the Herr-Jolliffes and Sandy. We hope you had a great day, Craig. We love you! Nance, Molly dog and the Jelly Bean

Monday, June 4, 2007


The craving of the week last week was CUPCAKES! I must have talked about them all week because when I got home after work on Friday, my sweet neighbor Michelle had baked cupcakes for me! They were so yummy... In fact, I think I could eat another one right now. Too bad I am at work.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Poor Molly!

(She's sticking her tongue out at me in this one)

She just doesn't understand... If she just wouldn't lick her wound, she wouldn't have to wear the lampshade. It appears as though her incision is beginning to heal nicely, but she wants to lick it all the time. As you can see, she isn't a fan of the lamp shade collar. She also doesn't understand the "no jumping for 4 weeks" rule. I came inside to find her on the sofa yesterday. Oh well, I guess we'll do the best we can do and hope for the best.

Easter Surprises!

Since this is how it all began, I thought I would post a few of our Easter photos. Instead of telling Craig the BIG NEWS myself, I decided that the Easter Bunny could deliver the surprise. So... Craig got an Easter bucket filled with Easter treats and POSITIVE PREGNANCY TESTS! Yes, there are SEVERAL tests because I just couldn't believe it! Needless to say, Craig was a little shocked...then extremely excited!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Those Evil Squirrels

Molly dog is recovering from ACL (knee) surgery this week. The squirrels finally got the best of her. About a month ago, Molly decided she could chase a squirrel up a tree. As you might imagine, it is kind of difficult for a dog to climb the trunk of a tree. The result of her acrobatic endeavor was a torn ACL in her right knee. After weeks of hoping her knee would heal, the vet and surgeon recommended surgery. She has a pretty nasty incision with stitches on her right leg. Complete recovery time is 4-6 months, but we are hoping she will be back in action long before the six month mark. She was pretty pitiful Wednesday and Thursday, but she seems to be a little spunkier this morning. She woke up feisty yesterday, which is a good thing (I think)! One of these days, she's going to catch one of those squirrels! (She's only been trying for 9 years)!