Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E, Take 2

Guess where we've been! Almost exactly one year ago, Craig and I took Addy to Disney World. Well... this past week, my friend, Cher, and I took Addy on her second trip to Disney. We spent Monday night at Downtown Disney, Tuesday at the Magic Kingdom (in the rain) and Wednesday at Disney Hollywood Studios. It was a quick trip, but as you can see in the pictures, our trip was packed with fun, fun and more fun! Addy had an absolute blast, and once again, she was such a trooper! She hung in there until the end of the fireworks show on Tuesday. Aside from getting to stay in a hotel, I think the highlight of her trip was meeting Mickey and Minnie. She kept giving Mickey kisses on the nose. We actually saw him twice -- once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday. I think she might be in love...Cher (aka Aunt "Coco") sporting her stylish mouse ears...Addy sporting her stylish mickey shoes...Addy meets Pinocchio for the first time.She couldn't wait to get her hands on one of these Mickey balloons.Fun on the carouselGetting ready to take off with DumboRiding her first roller coaster. Can you say thrill seeker?We all loved the parade and the fireworks!
Mommy and her little mouse. Yes, it was raining, and yes, we were wet!
A little rain never stops these 2 mousketeers! (Don't you just love my cocker spaniel hair)?

Taking her shot at the targets on the 4-D Toy Story Ride. SO MUCH FUN!

Dancing at Playhouse Disney Show

It was a short trip, but it was definitely "magical"!

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch!

I know I have a ton of catching up to do (like a whole year's worth), but I think I will save that for another day and just start with today!

Fall... it's my favorite time of year! And if you ask me, nothing says Fall like a trip (or two) to the pumpkin patch!
We made a quick trip to a local church pumpkin patch last weekend, and I happen to think that Addy and Lauren were the cutest pumpkins in the patch!
Addy had a great time picking out her first pumpkin of the season.
She picked up a few pumpkins before deciding on a small "just her size" pumpkin.

We had such a great time picking out pumpkins last weekend that we decided to make a trip to another local pumpkin patch today. The pumpkin patch we visited today offered more than just pumpkins. There were miniature horses that the children could ride, goats, bunny rabbits, pot bellied pigs and dogs. Addy was less than impressed by the animals. In fact, she was terrified of everything except for the bunny rabbits.
Lucky for her, there were other things to distract her like a little maze, plenty of pumpkins, a hayride and a delicious lunch with her friends.

Although it felt more like a Summer day than a Fall day, we sure did enjoy our fun-filled day of Fall activities.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

I was looking through some videos from this time last year, and I couldn't help but notice the difference in Addy's language skills. We've come a long way from the days when she referred to herself as "Ah-ee" and said "out" when she really meant "get down." These days, she talks... all... the... time! She speaks clearly and in complete sentences. She asks questions, answers questions, and follows verbal directions (when she wants to). She rarely misses a beat these days. I still have a hard time believing that I can actually have a real conversation with her.

She also loves to sing. Her song of the week this week is "Old McFarmer Had a Dog" (aka Old McDonald Had a Farm). I love it! Here are a few other things that she has said this week that that have made me giggle.

Overheard at bedtime:

"We are going to Colorado. Me and Ah-Ah (her stuffed monkey) are flying in an airplane. We will come back and get you, mommy. We are going on an airplane. We are going in just a minute. Mommy, we are going in a school bus. We are going to Colorado."

So what's it gonna be kiddo -- an airplane or a bus?(For those of you who know my family, you will see the humor in the plane versus bus debate.)

Overheard in the back of the car today:
"Mommy, do not take my wipe. I am washing my shades (sunglasses)." Seriously? Did my 2 year old really refer to her sunglasses as "shades"?

Overheard while watching t.v.

"I like this t.v. I like Rita." (Reba was singing in the background on the television).

Overheard while Addy was looking for her blankie in the bed:

"Mommy, where is my blankie? Mommy, help me find it. MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMY, help me find my blankie. I am losing it!"

Overheard while her daddy was picking on her earlier in the week:
"Daddy, stop it. Stop messing me up!"

Overheard at the dinner table tonight:
Addy: Mommy, can I have some ketchup for my hot dog?
Me: Sure. Do you eat ketchup at school? Do you eat hot dogs at school?
Addy: No.
Me: What do you eat at school?
Addy: Cookies!
Me: Cookies? Is that all you eat?
Addy: Yes, cookies! They are Deeeelicious!
Hmmm... Maybe I should look into this!
And my favorite quote of the week:
"Mommy, I love you soooooooo much!"
I sure do love this little cookie!

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Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello out there!

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beach Bunnies

It's official...

Beach season has arrived, and these two beach bunnies couldn't be happier!

Could they be any cuter?

We hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Weather permitting, we are planning more fun in the sun with our "besties."

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms in our lives. We love you, and we hope you are enjoying your special day as much as we are enjoying ours!
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