Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, February 27, 2009

Going, Going... GONE!

So, these 2 pictures pretty much sum up the way we feel around here right now.

Craig has been out of town for work again, I have been juggling things around the house and at school and Addison has been WIDE OPEN. She is into absolutely EVERYTHING these days. For the third night in a row this week, she has fallen asleep in her high chair during dinner. Poor little girl. She pretty much runs everywhere she goes, and I think she is just wearing herself out. She has also added "night night" to her vocabulary this week.

For some reason, she is especially interested in Molly's dog bowls right now. You might say she is obsessed with them. When we turn our back on her, she heads straight for the bowls. She loves to pick the food out of the bowl piece by piece and splash her hands in the water bowl. She thinks this is hysterical.
She is also obsessed with her sippy cup. If she sees it, she wants it. It really doesn't matter if there is anything in it or not. She loves it just the same either way. She would sleep with it if I would let her. Literally. I have to pry it out of her hand each night after she has fallen asleep. It's really quite funny.
While I was getting ready for work yesterday morning, she managed to unroll a whole roll of toilet paper and empty an entire box of Q-tips onto the floor (in a matter of 2 mintues, I might add).She is so proud of herself when she completes her "projects." This is usually the look I get when she is finished wrecking the place.

What a mischievous smile she has... Oh, how I love this little girl! She is perfectly rotten!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 Months

Today is an extra special day for Addison. Not only is today Valentine's Day, but it is also her 14 month birthday. As a gift to Addison on her 14th month birthday, I thought I would post 14 things that I love about her.

1. I love those big, blue eyes of yours. They are so full of happiness, and they just melt my heart each time I look at them.

2. I love to hear the pitter patter of your little feet coming down the hallway.

3. I love the way you giggle and say "Mo" when you play with Molly dog.
I also love the way you "share" your food with her.

4. Speaking of food, I love the way your little belly pooches out after you have eaten. (And my goodness, you LOVE to eat)!

5. I love all of your ticklish spots, and I love the way you belly laugh when someone tickles you.

6. I love the sound you make when you get excited about something. It sounds like a cross between a giggle and a purr.

7. I love the way you hold your arms up in the air and wait for me to pick you up.

8. I love that big, beautiful smile of yours. I also love the way you say, "heeeeeeeeey" when someone says hello to you. 9. I love the way you blow kisses and wave bye bye backwards.

10. I love the way you cover one of your eyes with your hand and say, "pie" when playing Peek-a-Boo (aka "Pee Pie.").

11. I love your kisses and your snuggles (especially at night time).

12. I love all of the faces you have started making. I especially love the way you scrunch up your forehead when you don't like something. (You are developing quite the personality these days). 13. I love your happy go lucky nature. You are the happiest little girl, and you are so much fun to be around.

14. Most of all, I love being your mommy! You make me so proud!

Happy 14 months baby girl! You are the best Valentine's Day gift I have ever been given.

My Sweethearts

Happy Valentine's Day to my 3 favorite Valentines! I couldn't ask for a sweeter Valentine's gift.

Love Bug

Happy Valentine's Day from our little LOVE BUG!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just a swinging...

While my brother was here last weekend, he put up a swing for Addison, and she is LOVING it! It was really cold last weekend, but that didn't stop her from enjoying her swing.

Here is Addison loving her Uncle Jonathan. They had a big time. We are so glad he was able to visit us. Check out Addison's BED HEAD! Gotta love it!

And She's Off!

It's official! Addison is really walking now. She's been taking 6-8 steps here and there for the past few weeks, but she just took off on Tuesday night. I was sitting on the floor, and when I looked up, I expected to see her teetering down the hallway. Instead, I saw her practically running down the hallway. Then, I watched her walk back down the hallway, around the end table, across the rug and into the kitchen. After her bath, she walked back and forth between the bedrooms upstairs. And she hasn't looked back since. Although she is still a little shaky, especially when moving from one surface to another (as you can see at the end of the video), she definitely prefers walking to crawling now. She will crawl if she is on a mission to get somewhere in a big hurry, but otherwise, she walks, walks, walks.

I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday, and I can't imagine a greater gift than watching my little girl take off walking. What a treat it was!