She also loves to sing. Her song of the week this week is "Old McFarmer Had a Dog" (aka Old McDonald Had a Farm). I love it! Here are a few other things that she has said this week that that have made me giggle.
"We are going to Colorado. Me and Ah-Ah (her stuffed monkey) are flying in an airplane. We will come back and get you, mommy. We are going on an airplane. We are going in just a minute. Mommy, we are going in a school bus. We are going to Colorado."
So what's it gonna be kiddo -- an airplane or a bus?(For those of you who know my family, you will see the humor in the plane versus bus debate.)
Overheard in the back of the car today:
"Mommy, do not take my wipe. I am washing my shades (sunglasses)." Seriously? Did my 2 year old really refer to her sunglasses as "shades"?
Overheard while watching t.v.
"I like this t.v. I like Rita." (Reba was singing in the background on the television).
Overheard while Addy was looking for her blankie in the bed:
"Mommy, where is my blankie? Mommy, help me find it. MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMY, help me find my blankie. I am losing it!"
Overheard while her daddy was picking on her earlier in the week:
"Daddy, stop it. Stop messing me up!"
Overheard at the dinner table tonight:
Addy: Mommy, can I have some ketchup for my hot dog?
Me: Sure. Do you eat ketchup at school? Do you eat hot dogs at school?
Addy: No.
Me: What do you eat at school?
Addy: Cookies!
Me: Cookies? Is that all you eat?
Addy: Yes, cookies! They are Deeeelicious!
Hmmm... Maybe I should look into this!
And my favorite quote of the week:
"Mommy, I love you soooooooo much!"
I sure do love this little cookie!
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