Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

I was looking through some videos from this time last year, and I couldn't help but notice the difference in Addy's language skills. We've come a long way from the days when she referred to herself as "Ah-ee" and said "out" when she really meant "get down." These days, she talks... all... the... time! She speaks clearly and in complete sentences. She asks questions, answers questions, and follows verbal directions (when she wants to). She rarely misses a beat these days. I still have a hard time believing that I can actually have a real conversation with her.

She also loves to sing. Her song of the week this week is "Old McFarmer Had a Dog" (aka Old McDonald Had a Farm). I love it! Here are a few other things that she has said this week that that have made me giggle.

Overheard at bedtime:

"We are going to Colorado. Me and Ah-Ah (her stuffed monkey) are flying in an airplane. We will come back and get you, mommy. We are going on an airplane. We are going in just a minute. Mommy, we are going in a school bus. We are going to Colorado."

So what's it gonna be kiddo -- an airplane or a bus?(For those of you who know my family, you will see the humor in the plane versus bus debate.)

Overheard in the back of the car today:
"Mommy, do not take my wipe. I am washing my shades (sunglasses)." Seriously? Did my 2 year old really refer to her sunglasses as "shades"?

Overheard while watching t.v.

"I like this t.v. I like Rita." (Reba was singing in the background on the television).

Overheard while Addy was looking for her blankie in the bed:

"Mommy, where is my blankie? Mommy, help me find it. MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMY, help me find my blankie. I am losing it!"

Overheard while her daddy was picking on her earlier in the week:
"Daddy, stop it. Stop messing me up!"

Overheard at the dinner table tonight:
Addy: Mommy, can I have some ketchup for my hot dog?
Me: Sure. Do you eat ketchup at school? Do you eat hot dogs at school?
Addy: No.
Me: What do you eat at school?
Addy: Cookies!
Me: Cookies? Is that all you eat?
Addy: Yes, cookies! They are Deeeelicious!
Hmmm... Maybe I should look into this!
And my favorite quote of the week:
"Mommy, I love you soooooooo much!"
I sure do love this little cookie!

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