Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Double Trouble!

We are in double trouble now! Addison is officially on the move and cannot be stopped! Lauren is not far behind her... She can push herself up on all fours and rock back and forth. She is going to launch herself forward in no time at all. As you can see in the pictures, these two girls are already the best of friends. They are so cute together. I see baby gates, outlet covers and cabinet locks in the very near future!

Addison and I spent Labor Day weekend at the beach with Lauren, Michelle and her family. The girls (and the mommies) had such a great time! Addison took her very first dip in a pool, and I think she really liked it. Thanks Grices (and Stanleys) for a fun filled mini vacation! We wish we could have stayed longer.

(By the way, Addison hasn't taken a pacifier since she was 4 weeks old. She only likes to take Lauren's pacifier from her)!

It's a Pajama Party!

Help! PLEASE let us out of here! We promise we'll be good girls!

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