What a mischievous smile she has... Oh, how I love this little girl! She is perfectly rotten!
It's official! Addison is really walking now. She's been taking 6-8 steps here and there for the past few weeks, but she just took off on Tuesday night. I was sitting on the floor, and when I looked up, I expected to see her teetering down the hallway. Instead, I saw her practically running down the hallway. Then, I watched her walk back down the hallway, around the end table, across the rug and into the kitchen. After her bath, she walked back and forth between the bedrooms upstairs. And she hasn't looked back since. Although she is still a little shaky, especially when moving from one surface to another (as you can see at the end of the video), she definitely prefers walking to crawling now. She will crawl if she is on a mission to get somewhere in a big hurry, but otherwise, she walks, walks, walks.
I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday, and I can't imagine a greater gift than watching my little girl take off walking. What a treat it was!