It was a dreary day in the Lowcountry today so Craig and I decided to pack up the little one and head to the aquarium in Charleston. We met up with my friend Melissa and her little boy, who is 18 months old. As you can tell from the pictures, Addison had a fantastic time!We saw lots of really neat fish... We saw a scuba diver...We saw some turtles...And we saw PENGUINS (our favorite)!Now, for that fairy tale ending I was talking about. Every little girl has to kiss a prince or two...(Wait, where are you going?)(Please don't run away!)
...before she finds her FROG!
Oh frog, I think I LOVE you! What a perfect ending to a perfect day!
To celebrate March Madness, my cousin Ben sent Addison a new Tar Heel teddy bear. As you can see, she thinks it is great! She has her new bear, a new comfy chair, several books and a little milk... all she needs now is some Tar Heel basketball to watch! Go Heels!
And here's a flashback to March Madness 2008... So hard to believe!
I think Addison and I are both playing hookie from school today. I received the "your daughter has a fever" call from daycare late yesterday afternoon. "The call" means that she can't return to school for 24 hours, even if she isn't running a fever today (which, of course, she isn't)! As a kindergarten teacher, I guess I can appreciate the 24 hour rule. Craig is working in Charleston today so I had to take the day off. Bummer, I know!
Why do I think we are playing hookie? Well, let's see... Addison's been chasing the dog around at 100 mph, tearing the house apart and "washing" her new car. This is how I found her earlier this morning. She was literally washing the hood of her new ride with a baby wipe! This made her daddy exceptionally proud because he spent the day on Sunday washing our cars. I guess Addison must have learned a little something in the process of watching her daddy!
We slept in (7:05), ate breakfast (kind of), and are still in our pjs at 10:00. What a way to start the day! I guess we'll do a little laundry, do a little vacuuming, have a little lunch, and then hopefully, it will be time for a nap.
Looks like she has decided to go ahead and take her nap. While I was typing this post, she fell sound asleep on the floor beside me. So sweet! That's all for this post. I need to transfer sleeping beauty to her crib before she wakes up.
Addison is a little over 15 months, and I cannot believe how quickly she is growing! She had her 15 month well check on Friday, and she is 30 1/2" tall and weighs 21 lbs, 12 oz. Although she is somewhat of a shrimp, she appears to be very healthy. She is truly our little sunshine. She continues to have the sweetest disposition and the best personality.
She is the busiest little girl these days. She pretty much runs everywhere she goes. Her FAVORITE thing in the whole world is our dog Molly (aka "Momo"). She loves to chase "Momo" around the house with dog toys. She also loves to splash in Momo's water bowl and throw all of her dog food out of the food bowl onto the floor and feed it to her piece by piece. If only "Momo" felt the love, too... Molly tolerates her, but I definitely don't think she feels the love!
She continues to add new words to her vocabulary each week. She now says Momo (of course), mama, dada, night night, uh oh, bye bye, bay bay (baby). She also has a few words that she says in her own special language. Although I can't fully understand everything she tries to say, I can usually figure it out before she has an official meltdown. Luckily, meltdowns don't happen very often around here.
She loves books. Sometimes, she will sit and "read" her books in the floor by herself. Other times, she will bring a handful of books to us and crawl up in our laps for us to read the books to her. It is the sweetest thing. Until last week, she was a fantastic eater. She ate just about anything we put in front of her. Her favorites were pancakes, raviolis, green peas, peaches, pears, mangos and yogurt. For some reason, she is on strike this week and is not eating very much. She turns her nose up at all of her old favorites. She's been a little congested so I am hoping that she just doesn't really feel like eating because of the congestion. Here she is eating some spaghetti-os all by herself for the first time.She is such a girlie girl. She loves my purses and shoes. She also loves to accessorize. She prances around the house wearing her stacking rings as bracelets. She has also been known to wear the rings as anklets, too. She is something else!She loves to "undo" anything and everything. The pictures below tell the story of what goes on around our house all day long. In fact, as I am typing this post, she is in the floor pulling every tissue out of the tissue box. (But she is having so much fun)! When I pick things up, she tears them back out. As soon as I put the folded laundry in the basket, she takes it out and slings it over her shoulder onto the bed or floor. If I put her toys away, she promptly drags them back out. It is a never ending cycle! On a few occasions, she has attempted to help me clean up, but that doesn't always go the way she (or I) have planned. Although it can be frustrating at times, I enjoy watching her new discoveries.Happy 15 months, sweet baby girl. You are truly our little sunshine. You bring more to joy to our lives than you will ever know.
For years, I have been trying to figure out what, if anything, the humidity on the coast of SC is good for. I think I have finally found the answer... CURLS!
Last Saturday, I noticed one sweet little curl in Addison's hair. By Sunday, the curl had multiplied, and there were SEVERAL sweet little curls in her hair. Since Craig and I have straight, straight hair, I never dreamed that the little one would have any curls. I am not sure how long they will last, but I will surely enjoy them while they are here!