Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boo to You!

I've been so slack about blogging lately, and I am pretty sure nobody even checks in on us anymore. I try -- I really do, but for some reason, I just can't keep up with the blog these days.

We've had a great fall so far. Addison made her first trip to Disney World, and she absolutely LOVED every minute of it. Addison also had a very exciting Halloween with her cousin Ali and her best bud Lauren (aka Lala). I will post Disney photos in a separate post, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures of our little goblin and her goblin friends.Do we know you? You are just our size!
If you are trying to scare us, it isn't working! Thanks for sharing your candy.
I love lollipops!

Trick or treating sure is tiring! The girls decided to take a little break (in the middle of the street). Good thing we went trick or treating in a quiet neighborhood.Addison and her "best girls!" This is the life!

I'm quite certain that our little ladybug was one of the cutest bugs in town on Halloween! We hope you had a Happy Halloween!

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1 comment:

Amy Howard said...

Nancy, I'm still looking at your blog. Love the pics of Addison. I do have to say that you MUST get on Facebook. That's the only way I keep up with people these days. Email me after you've signed up and we can be "friends" Love, Amy