Guess where we've been! Almost exactly one year ago, Craig and I took Addy to Disney World. Well... this past week, my friend, Cher, and I took Addy on her second trip to Disney. We spent Monday night at Downtown Disney, Tuesday at the Magic Kingdom (in the rain) and Wednesday at Disney Hollywood Studios. It was a quick trip, but as you can see in the pictures, our trip was packed with fun, fun and more fun! Addy had an absolute blast, and once again, she was such a trooper! She hung in there until the end of the fireworks show on Tuesday. Aside from getting to stay in a hotel, I think the highlight of her trip was meeting Mickey and Minnie. She kept giving Mickey kisses on the nose. We actually saw him twice -- once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday. I think she might be in love...
Cher (aka Aunt "Coco") sporting her stylish mouse ears...
Addy sporting her stylish mickey shoes...
Addy meets Pinocchio for the first time.
She couldn't wait to get her hands on one of these Mickey balloons.
Fun on the carousel
Getting ready to take off with Dumbo
Riding her first roller coaster. Can you say thrill seeker?
We all loved the parade and the fireworks!
Mommy and her little mouse. Yes, it was raining, and yes, we were wet!
A little rain never stops these 2 mousketeers! (Don't you just love my cocker spaniel hair)?
Taking her shot at the targets on the 4-D Toy Story Ride. SO MUCH FUN!
Dancing at Playhouse Disney Show
It was a short trip, but it was definitely "magical"!