December has been a month filled with love, laughter and celebrations! The birthday girl turned 2 (I still can't believe it) on December 14th. We began celebrating the weekend before her birthday, and we've been celebrating ever since.
Addison and her "BFF" Lala had a joint birthday celebration for the second year in a row. Lala turned 2 on Christmas day. The girls had a wonderful party surrounded by some of their closest friends and family members.
If the girls had been in charge, they would have worn these outfits all day long! Yes, that would be my child wearing her frog boots over her pajamas! Quite the fashionista, don't you think?

But since they weren't in charge, we eventually convinced them to change into their party dresses.

I don't have a picture of the party invitation, but the bakery was able to create a cake that matched the invitation perfectly! The girls had a great time eating cake this year. After all, they have had a year's worth of practice since last December.

After a delicious bbq lunch and all the birthday cake they could handle, the girls were ready to open their gifts.

The girls received so many wonderful birthday gifts, and I know they loved them all. The hot pink (baby doll) strollers seemed to be a huge hit with both of the girls. Since Addison doesn't really care for baby dolls, she chose to push her new bright green hippo around in the stroller. Whatever works, right? After all, I am not going to be the one to tell her that hippos don't really ride in strollers. ;)

I think the girls would have played forever if we had let them, but since all good things must come to and end, the time came for a little rest. But not before the birthday girl got a little more sugar...

On Sunday, Craig and I took Addison out to eat at a local Japenese restaurant for an early birthday dinner. (He had to travel out of town for work on her actual birthday). Although Craig swears that the dinner was really for me, Addison thorougly enjoyed her Japanese birthday dinner!

On Monday, Addison celebrated her (actual) birthday at "school" with her friends. She declared it "party day," and she took these adorable monkey "cake cakes" to share with her friends. They were definitley a hit! "helped" my mom and me make the "cake cakes", and they were surprisingly easy to make.

After a fun filled weekend of birthday fun, our little monkey was all worn out. Since daddy was out of town, I treated the birthday girl to an all night snuggle session with her mommy.

We love you, birthday girl, and we can't believe how grown up you are!

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