Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 34 Update

Happy Halloween!

39 days to go... I cannot BELIEVE we only have 39 days until our due date! We had our 34 week update yesterday, and everything looks great! It appears as if the baby has turned and is now head down. This could explain why when she moves, it feels like someone is playing the drums on the left side of my stomach. I'm not sure if her arms or legs are on my left side, but something is definitely there. I just love to feel her moving around in there. I know this is something that I am really going to miss once she makes her debut.

On the nursery front, we are kind of in a holding pattern. The nursery furniture, which I ordered in AUGUST, is still not here. As you might imagine, I am not too thrilled about this. Unfortunately, my hands are tied and there is really nothing I can do except wait... and hope that it gets here before baby Addison does. I know she can sleep in the Pack and Play, but I really want to get her nursery in order before she arrives. The glider/recliner did come in, and our friend Joey was sweet enough to pick it up for us, but it's just sitting in the middle of the room waiting for the rest of the furniture. Hopefully, the crib and the changing table will be here in the very near future.

Our next appointment is Friday, November 16th. After that appointment, our due date will be quickly approaching, and we will be going to the doctor for weekly check ups.

So that's what's new with us. We'll keep you posted of any new happenings. Until then, we'll just be waiting (patiently) for baby Addison to arrive.

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