Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hippity Hoppity! Happy Easter!

We headed to my mom's for a weekend full of Easter fun. Uncle Jonathan (my brother) was there, along with his girlfriend Teresa, and her two children, Lucas & Kodie. We spent the weekend eating yummy food, dying eggs, hunting Easter eggs in the yard and enjoying the beautiful weekend weather. We were all worn out by the end of the weekend, but we had a wonderful time. It's so hard to believe that Addison was just a little jelly bean growing in my belly this time last year. This time next year, she'll probably be eating jelly beans! We hope the Easter Bunny brought you lots of Easter treats!

Dying Eggs with Lucas & Kodie

Egg Animals!

Lovin' Uncle Jonathan!

I LOVE Easter!

My bunny's not chocolate, but she sure is yummy!

No Easter is complete without BUNNY SLIPPERS!

Our little bunny is all worn out!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Special Delivery!

Congratulations to Aunt Trebbi and Uncle Wade! They welcomed Ali Reece Hardin at 6:52 this morning. She is a tiny little thing -- 4 lbs 14 ounces -- but seems to be doing well. As expected, mom and dad are overjoyed (and overtired). Now is when the REAL FUN begins! We love you guys and wish you lots of happy feedings and sleep filled nights! Can't wait to meet little Ali!
Update ~~ Little Ali made it home in time for Easter! She went home on Saturday!

Go Carolina! Go Tar Heels!

This Tar Heel mommy couldn't help herself. Addison sure does look cute in Carolina BLUE. (Her daddy might argue that it is Citadel BLUE, but during basketball season, it is definitely Carolina BLUE)! We are looking forward to an exciting NCAA tournament. Go Heels!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Great Expectations

Good Luck Aunt Trebbi & Uncle Wade.! Craig's sister is expecting a sweet baby girl and is on her way to the hospital today. She is only 35 weeks along, but her amniotic fluid is low so they are going to go ahead and induce her tomorrow. We wish her the best of luck, and we can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family. We love you Trebbi, and just remember, it is all SO worth it!

Nancy, Craig, Addison & Molly Dog (Uncle Wade's favorite)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bathing Beauty

Where's the beach? This little fish can't wait to put on one of her cute little swimsuits and show off her beach bod. Check out that belly! I just want to squeeze it!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

12 Weeks -- Giggle & Wiggles

Addison is 12 weeks old, and I've been waiting and waiting... I finally heard it yesterday -- Addison giggled for the first time. It was the sweetest little girlie giggle. I heard it once more today, and I can't wait to hear it again and again. I can't help but smile when I hear it.

At 12 weeks, Addison is quite the wiggle worm. If she's awake, she's wiggling. She wiggles on the play mat, she wiggles in the bouncer, she wiggles in the swing, and she wiggles in my arms. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! She sures loves to wiggle (especially if there is music playing).

She is also starting to grab and hold onto to things, especially things with tags. She loves her"Taggies" elephant that she and her daddy named "Elly" and her new "Taggies" blanket that her "aunt" Emily gave her yesterday.

She has discovered her hands, and she loves to chew on them. She used to only chew on her hands when she was hungry, but now she just chews on them to chew on them. (She also loves to chew on Elly and her new blankie as well). She has also figured out how to blow bubbles with her mouth. Too cute!

We're still working on the tummy time thing, but suffice it to say that tummy time is NOT her favorite time. She lasts a few minutes on her tummy at best, and then she is done. She will sit in her bumbo for a few minutes, and hopefully, she'll be big enough for her exersaucer soon.

I hope I don't jinx the situation by posting about it, but here goes... For the past 2 -3 weeks, she has been a GREAT sleeper. Most nights, she will sleep from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. or so. Sometimes it is hard to keep her up until 10, but if we can, she'll usually sleep soundly until the next morning. This makes for some happy mornings in our house!

She has such a wonderful disposition. These days, she really only cries when she's hungry or when she's had enough of something (like tummy time). Most of the time, she coos (and giggles now) and will entertain herself for fairly long periods of time. Craig and I are so lucky to have such a good baby.

As sweet as she is, however, it is becoming evident that she has a stubborn streak a MILE long. (Wonder where she gets that from)! Oh boy... She still will not have ANY thing to do with a bottle or a pacifier. I have tried every bottle and nipple I know to try. I even ordered the Adiri nurser, which looks so much like the real thing that it is scary. Still no luck. I really thought that she would eventually give in, but she hasn't. She's holding out on me, and I am starting to lose hope of winning this battle.
The past 12 weeks have just FLOWN by, and I can't believe how grown up our little girl is. She's no longer the tiny little newborn she was when we first brought her home. She is developing a personality like no other. She smiles, she coos, she wiggles, she giggles, and she steals the heart of every person she meets. We love you little jelly bean, and we look forward to all of the wiggles and giggles that you have in store for us.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sitting Pretty

Addison is getting so strong. She no longer topples over when we prop her up against the pillows. We decided to give the Bumbo a trial run today, and she sat comfortably (and contently) for 5 minutes or so. She is growing up way too quickly!

8 Week Photos

I am a few weeks late posting these pictures, but better late than never! These pictures are from Addison's 1st official photo shoot. She was 8 weeks old on the day the pictures were taken at Portrait Innovations.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

All Smiles!

Oh, how we love Addison's little smile!
And we're pretty fond of those chubby little cheeks, too!