At 12 weeks, Addison is quite the wiggle worm. If she's awake, she's wiggling. She wiggles on the play mat, she wiggles in the bouncer, she wiggles in the swing, and she wiggles in my arms. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! She sures loves to wiggle (especially if there is music playing).
She is also starting to grab and hold onto to things, especially things with tags. She loves her"Taggies" elephant that she and her daddy named "Elly" and her new "Taggies" blanket that her "aunt" Emily gave her yesterday.

She has discovered her hands, and she loves to chew on them. She used to only chew on her hands when she was hungry, but now she just chews on them to chew on them. (She also loves to chew on Elly and her new blankie as well). She has also figured out how to blow bubbles with her mouth. Too cute!
We're still working on the tummy time thing, but suffice it to say that tummy time is NOT her favorite time. She lasts a few minutes on her tummy at best, and then she is done. She will sit in her bumbo for a few minutes, and hopefully, she'll be big enough for her exersaucer soon.
I hope I don't jinx the situation by posting about it, but here goes... For the past 2 -3 weeks, she has been a GREAT sleeper. Most nights, she will sleep from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. or so. Sometimes it is hard to keep her up until 10, but if we can, she'll usually sleep soundly until the next morning. This makes for some happy mornings in our house!

She has such a wonderful disposition. These days, she really only cries when she's hungry or when she's had enough of something (like tummy time). Most of the time, she coos (and giggles now) and will entertain herself for fairly long periods of time. Craig and I are so lucky to have such a good baby.
As sweet as she is, however, it is becoming evident that she has a stubborn streak a MILE long. (Wonder where she gets that from)! Oh boy... She still will not have ANY thing to do with a bottle or a pacifier. I have tried every bottle and nipple I know to try. I even ordered the Adiri nurser, which looks so much like the real thing that it is scary. Still no luck. I really thought that she would eventually give in, but she hasn't. She's holding out on me, and I am starting to lose hope of winning this battle.
The past 12 weeks have just FLOWN by, and I can't believe how grown up our little girl is. She's no longer the tiny little newborn she was when we first brought her home. She is developing a personality like no other. She smiles, she coos, she wiggles, she giggles, and she steals the heart of every person she meets. We love you little jelly bean, and we look forward to all of the wiggles and giggles that you have in store for us.
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