The little love bug is FOUR MONTHS old today! As I held baby Hudson in my arms this morning, I couldn't believe it has been four short months since Addison was born in the very same hospital. My, what a difference four months makes.
Addison continues to amaze Craig & I in new ways each day, and I didn't think it was possible, but she really does get cuter by the day! She has the sweetest disposition. Her smile is infectious, and those big eyes of hers light up a room like you have never seen before.
Here's what she's been up to the past month.
She had her first cold, her first cough, and she threw up on me for the first time, but she seems to be on the mend now.
She no longer likes to wear clothes. Her favorite outfit is her birthday suit -- barefoot and naked. In fact, I think she HATES to wear anything other than her diaper. She is quick to tell me & Craig this any time we try to put clothes on her.
She is very ticklish under her neck. She wiggles and giggles when you try to kiss her under her chin and neck. Too cute!
She loves her hands. She loves to lick them, slobber on them, drool on them and suck on them.
She is just starting to discover her feet. If she could get them in her mouth, I am sure she would lick them, slobber on them, drool on them and suck on them just as she does her hands.
She drools. A LOT. Although I can't see any teeth popping through her gums yet, I don't think it will be long before she is officially teething.
She is a morning person! Most days, she wakes up with a smile on her face and a coo in her voice. Such a great way to greet each day.
She loves her mom and her dad. When either of us walk in a room and talk, she turns to find us.
She can ride in her stroller like a big girl now (without sitting in her infant seat).
She's learned how to grab onto things, including my hair. She has a tight little grip and doesn't let go too easily.
She's a mover and a shaker.
And a talker!
She continues to be a great sleeper.
She's not too sure about the Exersaucer yet, but she is giving it a try.
She is (sometimes) drinking from the bottle again! I am so afraid of jinxing myself, but I share this because it is a major breakthrough for us. She makes sure to keep it on her terms, only drinking when she feels like it and drinking for anyone but me, but I'll take whatever I can get these days.
As sweet as she is, she's a little firecracker and will occasionally show her temper. Don't know where she gets the temper. Must be from her dad...It's actually pretty funny (for now). Might not be so cute when she hits the terrible twos, but for now, it makes me & Craig (and the ladies at preschool) laugh.
What a wonderful four months it has been. Addison, your daddy and I are pretty sure you hung the moon. You've made our lives complete.
Four months. So much love. So much fun.
Nancy- she is beautiful! I've enjoyed catching up with you guys. Hope you don't mind me reading. :) Addison is such a cutie!!! Hope everything is going well... We'd love to get together for a play date sometime!
She's so cute! And getting so big!!
Can you have Emily send me your email address, or just get mine from Emily? I have some Ragsland clothes 50% off and I wanted to email them to you!!
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