Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tooth Fairy
The tooth fairy (the one that brings the teeth, not the $$) has been to visit again. Tooth #2 is officially poking through! Addison is doing lots of chewing and lots of drooling these days. Other than that, though, she doesn't seem to mind the teething process just yet. Guess it's time to get the toothbrush out...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Why is it that my child waits to sneeze until her mouth is full of cereal, squash or sweet potatoes? EVERY time I feed her, she sneezes and we both end up wearing whatever she is eating. SILLY GIRL!
Memorial Day Fun
I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend as much as we enjoyed ours. On Friday, it was daddy daycare on our street! Craig and Joey kept the girls while Michelle and I met our friend Barbara for a girl's night out. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and lots of grown up conversation at one of our favorite restaurants, Breakwater. This was the first time I had been out to dinner without Addison, and though I missed her, dinner was relaxing and rejuvenating. When we got home, Lauren was fast asleep, and Addison was wide awake. Happy, but wide awake. Go figure -- she is her mother's child!
On Saturday, Craig and Joey were planning to work in the yards so Michelle and I took the girls downtown for lunch and a little Memorial Day shopping. We got our first taste of the summer heat. It was a beautiful day, but it sure was hot.
On Sunday, Craig power washed the house and Joey worked so Michelle and I decided to get out of the house and take the girls to Bluffton. No weekend is complete without a trip to Target.
To finish off the weekend, we cooked out with the Grice's last night. Once again, we enjoyed the food and the company. Joey grilled some chicken that was out of this world, and the girls entertained us. Now that summer is officially here, we look forward to many exciting adventures! Hooray for summer!

Part frog, part monkey

I am convinced that Addison is part frog, part monkey and maybe even part rabbit. She might have short little legs, but she can jump, jump jump. Her little toes barely touch the floor in her jumperoo, but once she gets going, LOOK OUT.
She jumps so hard the jumperoo rattles. We might need to install a seat belt to hold her in this thing. She spent much of her weekend jump, jump, jumping. One of these days, I will take the time to figure out how to download a video and you can see just how much fun she has jumping. 

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sweet Girls!
We spent last weekend in Gaffney with Craig's family for Ali's Baptism. The girls were so cute together. Ali is a still big fan of eating and sleeping these days, and Addison, of course, is wide open. She is one busy, busy, busy little girl! Wonder where she gets that from...

Ali, we hope your day was as special as you are. You were a perfect little angel for your Baptism. Let's hope your cousin Addison follows in your footsteps at her Baptism next weekend!

As you can see in the pictures, Addison LOVES her cousin Ali. In fact, we all love little Ali. She is still tiny, but she has grown so much since we saw her in March. These two girls are going to have lots of special times and fun growing up together.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
5 Months Old

She learned to roll over

She tried squash & carrots for the first time

She found her feet for the first time. She LOVES to play with them!
She had her first ear infection :(
She started grabbing & holding onto things (especially her favorite parrot)

She got her first bee sting (but she was quite the trooper)
She got her first pair of Keds (and they are too cute)
She got her first pair of Keds (and they are too cute)
She learned how to jump in her jumperoo, and she "discovered" all of the toys on her exersaucer

And the most special "first" this month -- she (and her mommy) celebrated their first Mother's Day together. What a wonderful day it was!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

With this former kindergarten teacher as her mommy, Addison is in for lots of art projects! For Mother's Day, we made "feet" flower cards for some of the special mommies in our lives. Lucky for me, Addison didn't seem to mind having her feet painted at all. In fact, I think she kind of enjoyed it. This is very exciting! There's nothing I love more than a messy art project!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mommies out there! Here's wishing you lots of happy (flower) feet!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Lucky Dog

Molly Dog finally made it BIG. She was chosen as Lucky Fiona's dog of the week, and she won a free Lucky Fiona collar. Check out Molly's picture at
If you are looking for a new collar for your four legged friends, Lucky Fiona has some great collars to choose from (and they are very reasonable)! Check out these custom made collars at
If you are looking for a new collar for your four legged friends, Lucky Fiona has some great collars to choose from (and they are very reasonable)! Check out these custom made collars at
Thursday, May 8, 2008
4 Month Check Up
Addison had her four month check up and immunizations last week. Craig and I took her for her check up on Monday, and the doctor's office was out of two of the necessary immunizations so she had to go back on Wednesday for her shots.

Addison is such a happy baby, and the doctor says she seems to be a very healthy baby as well. Craig and I couldn't be happier about that! Here are her 4 month stats...

Craig, being the great dad that he is, took her back by himself on Wednesday for her shots. I was at home in the bed with bronchitis and didn't think the other mothers in the waiting room would appreciate me spreading my germs. Craig said Addison cried for a few seconds but didn't seem too troubled by the shots. I think the shots must wear her out because she was sound asleep by the time they got home.

Weight -- 14.8 lbs
Height -- 25 1/2 inches
Head -- 16 3/4
The doctor gave us the go ahead to start introducing rice cereal and stage 1 baby foods. She has been eating the cereal, but I am not sure she really likes it. I can't blame her because I really don't think it has much taste. She is, however, a fan of the squash. I gave her a little squash last night, and she ate it right up. Hopefully, we have a veggie lover on our hands!
The doctor gave us the go ahead to start introducing rice cereal and stage 1 baby foods. She has been eating the cereal, but I am not sure she really likes it. I can't blame her because I really don't think it has much taste. She is, however, a fan of the squash. I gave her a little squash last night, and she ate it right up. Hopefully, we have a veggie lover on our hands!

Neighborly Love

What do you do with two tired, fussy baby girls? Impromptu neighborhood play date, of course. Michelle and Lauren stopped by to say hello last night, and we quickly learned that the girls enjoy hanging out together as much as Michelle and I do. Until they started tackling each other, that is... Addison was very interested in playing with Lauren's face, and in turn, Lauren rolled over and "tackled" Addison. It was too cute!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Not so sure...

We know Addison is not a fan of the pink stuff (amoxicillin) so we were a little concerned about how she would react to cereal and food. The verdict is...she is not so sure about the gooey white stuff (but she sure does like her bib)!
On Sunday, we decided to introduce a little rice cereal (made with her favorite breast milk). She did pretty well, but we have a little work to do with the spoon! She seemed to like the cereal okay but was uncharacteristically fussy when we put her to bed Sunday night.
On Monday, we tried again. As you can see from the pictures, she was more interested in licking her bib, chewing her fingers and smearing her face than she was in eating much of the cereal on Tuesday night. The bib was a big hit -- the cereal, not so much. She managed to eat a little in between the bib licking and the face painting, but she was fussy again when we put her to bed.
We gave it a break Tuesday and Wednesday nights because I've been really sick with a cold and bronchitis this week. If I feel up to it, we'll give it another shot tonight. We're not sure whether it is a coincidence or not, but she went right to sleep Tuesday and Wednesday nights with no fussing. Wonder if the cereal gives her a tummy ache? I guess only time will tell. One thing we do know is that this little girl is going to be a great finger painter!
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