We know Addison is not a fan of the pink stuff (amoxicillin) so we were a little concerned about how she would react to cereal and food. The verdict is...she is not so sure about the gooey white stuff (but she sure does like her bib)!
On Sunday, we decided to introduce a little rice cereal (made with her favorite breast milk). She did pretty well, but we have a little work to do with the spoon! She seemed to like the cereal okay but was uncharacteristically fussy when we put her to bed Sunday night.
On Monday, we tried again. As you can see from the pictures, she was more interested in licking her bib, chewing her fingers and smearing her face than she was in eating much of the cereal on Tuesday night. The bib was a big hit -- the cereal, not so much. She managed to eat a little in between the bib licking and the face painting, but she was fussy again when we put her to bed.
We gave it a break Tuesday and Wednesday nights because I've been really sick with a cold and bronchitis this week. If I feel up to it, we'll give it another shot tonight. We're not sure whether it is a coincidence or not, but she went right to sleep Tuesday and Wednesday nights with no fussing. Wonder if the cereal gives her a tummy ache? I guess only time will tell. One thing we do know is that this little girl is going to be a great finger painter!
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