We got some great news from the doctor yesterday. Addison has been cleared for take off. No more bronchial infection! The torture of the breathing treatments paid off. Although you cannot tell from these pictures, Addison is NOT a fan of the penguin nebulizer. Torture. Pure torture for 10 minutes each treatment. The ears look much better, too. The antibiotic torture paid off as well. This child DOES NOT like medicine and cannot be tricked into taking it. Hopefully, we are finished with the yucky stuff for a while. (Needless to say, she will not be going to daycare today)!
We leave for the Wild West tomorrow. It's hard to believe that we will not have cell phone service and will have limited, if any, access to our dial up internet service while we are there. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures and promise to post if we can.
Happy Summer (and Happy 4th) to all of you!
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