Where has the time gone? It is so hard to believe our little one is already six months old. Time is just flying by, and part of me wishes we could hit the pause button for a little while. Addison is growing and changing so quickly, and while we would love to keep her small forever, we know this is just the beginning of many wonderful times.
Height: 26 3/4 inches (somewhere in the 80th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs., 6.5 oz. (roughly 50th percentile)
Head circumference: 17 (not sure about the percentile)
The past month has been so much fun (aside from the ear infections and respiratory issues). Below are some things we would like to remember about our six month old little girl.

Eating: You are such a funny eater. Some days you gobble food up like it is going out of style and other days you could care less about it. When you choose to eat, you enjoy rice cereal mixed with fruit (pears, bananas or peaches), squash, carrots, green beans and your new favorite, sweet peas. You do not like sweet potatoes or applesauce. When you are done eating, you're done. You turn red in the face, close your lips tightly and spit out whatever manages to make it in before you decide you are finished. It's quite amusing. You're still not a huge fan of the bottle, but you will drink from it when you are hungry enough (as long as I am not the one trying to feed you a bottle). July. July is going to be the month we conquer the bottle!

Little Miss Chatterbox: You are such a little chatterbox. We aren't sure what you are saying, but when you talk, it is obvious you are trying to tell us something. You'll just chat away with the most serious look on your face.

On a Roll: You love, love, love to roll over. Anytime we put you down on your back, you immediately flip yourself over. Luckily, you don't seem to mind being on your tummy anymore. You can flip yourself from your back to front and front to back now. When you are on your tummy, you raise your little head and kick your little legs. You look back and forth from side to side. So cute, you are!
Mover and a Shaker: You are busy, busy, busy! Whether you are in your jumperoo, your exersaucer or on your playmat, you are jumping, squealing, banging and just having the best time.
Ham: You are such a little ham. When we are out, you smile and coo and laugh at
anyone who stops by to say hello to you. You are such a charming, happy girl.

Curious Georg(ette): You are so curious about your surroundings. It's amazing what catches your eyes these days. Each day is filled with new discoveries for you, and we just love watching you explore the world around you.
Crabby: Your little fingers are like crab claws. You grab and pinch and pull on anything that you can get your hands on. Sometimes, it just so happens to be mommy's hair that you pull on...
Sitting pretty (almost): Although you aren't sitting up entirely on your own just yet, you are getting really good at the tripod thing. You can balance yourself for a few minutes, but then you get really excited and fall over.
We are having so much fun watching our little girl grow and develop. Each day is a new adventure, and we look foward to the months (and years) ahead with our little girl.
1 comment:
What a cutie pie! Happy 1/2 year.
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