My, oh my, where is the time going? Little Addison is 7 1/2 months old, and I simply cannot believe it. The past month has been so much fun for all of us. It is like a million little switches have gone off in her head. You can just watch the "aha" moments as she has them. She has grown and developed so much in the past month.

If I had to choose one word to describe her this month it would be B-U-S-Y! This child is WIDE OPEN! She won't sit still for a minute, and I love it! She is into everything, and she isn't even mobile yet. She has tons of toys, but she would much rather play with remotes or cell phones or sunglasses. Anything but the toys, and anything she can get her little hands on. It's pretty funny.
Speaking of being mobile, she isn't crawling just yet, but she is SO close. She can now push herself up on her hands and knees and rock herself back and forth. She has the "reverse" scoot mastered, but she hasn't quite mastered the "drive" scoot. She is a smart little cookie. Since she can't crawl yet, she has figured out how to roll to get where she wants to go. She will roll over and over and over until she makes it to her desired destination. I just know she is building up her momentum to go, and I am afraid when she learns to GO, we are all going to be in big trouble around here.
Especially the dog. Addison LOVES Molly dog. Her eyes light up and she giggles when Molly comes around. Unfortunately, Molly is not feeling the love these days. The pincer grasp is not her friend. If Addison can get close enough, she will grab a handful of fur (or tail) and pull it as hard as she can. Needless to say, Molly takes off as soon as she can escape. She is careful to position herself as far away from the baby as she can.
In other news, I hate to say this for fear that she will change her mind again, but for now, ADDISON IS DRINKING FROM A BOTTLE! We finally found a winner in the MAM bottle. I have no idea what compelled me to try another bottle, but boy, am I glad I did! I put a little milk in one and gave it a go. Voila! She sucked the milk down and wanted more! Once she started drinking from her new bottles, I thought I would press my luck and introduce a little formula. Guess what -- she drank it and wanted more! I couldn't believe my eyes. She usually drinks 2-3 bottles of formula a day now, which is something I NEVER thought she would do.
Just like her daddy, she is a CHATTERBOX. I know I have said this before, but she is just talking up a storm these days. Mama, dadadadadada and babababae among the babbles that can be heard coming from her sweet little mouth. The "mama" is usually associated with a little whining, but it melts my heart each time I hear it. (In fact, she is looking at me right now saying Mamamamama. I think she is trying to tell me she is tired of jumping in her Jumperoo).
She can sit unsupported for long periods of time now. She is getting stronger and trying to pull herself up on her own, but she isn't quite there yet. Craig and I have to watch her very carefully when she is sitting in her car seat, high chair or travel swing because she can totally thrust herself forward. It's amazing how something so little can be so strong.
In other news, I hate to say this for fear that she will change her mind again, but for now, ADDISON IS DRINKING FROM A BOTTLE! We finally found a winner in the MAM bottle. I have no idea what compelled me to try another bottle, but boy, am I glad I did! I put a little milk in one and gave it a go. Voila! She sucked the milk down and wanted more! Once she started drinking from her new bottles, I thought I would press my luck and introduce a little formula. Guess what -- she drank it and wanted more! I couldn't believe my eyes. She usually drinks 2-3 bottles of formula a day now, which is something I NEVER thought she would do.
Just like her daddy, she is a CHATTERBOX. I know I have said this before, but she is just talking up a storm these days. Mama, dadadadadada and babababae among the babbles that can be heard coming from her sweet little mouth. The "mama" is usually associated with a little whining, but it melts my heart each time I hear it. (In fact, she is looking at me right now saying Mamamamama. I think she is trying to tell me she is tired of jumping in her Jumperoo).
She can sit unsupported for long periods of time now. She is getting stronger and trying to pull herself up on her own, but she isn't quite there yet. Craig and I have to watch her very carefully when she is sitting in her car seat, high chair or travel swing because she can totally thrust herself forward. It's amazing how something so little can be so strong.

Tooth #3 is on the way. It is just starting to pop through her gums, and there is lots of drool to go with it. Everything, and I mean everything, still goes straight to her mouth when she picks it up.
When she sleeps now, she rolls over on her belly, curls her arms and legs underneath her and sticks her cute little tush up in the air. It is absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Addison continues to amaze us more and more each day. Craig and I are so lucky to be the parents of such a precious, precious 7 month old baby girl. We couldn't be more proud of her, and we are looking forward to many happy days ahead.

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