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Friday, January 1, 2010

Two Year Well Check

(This post may be a little boring, but I wanted to use it as a way to document Addison's growth and development).

Addison had her two year old well check this week, and she seems to be healthy and happy! The nurse says she weighs 27 pounds, and she is 34 inches tall. Personally, I don't think she is 34 inches tall, but we'll go with it... (She was rather squirmy when the nurse tried to measure her). I was a little surprised when the nurse said she was due for a vaccination, but apparently, there has been a shortage of this vaccination, and the office was out of it at her last well check. She wasn't thrilled about the shot, but the stickers they gave her and a little time on her new swingset made it all better.

At two years old, she is a full fledged toddler. She is full. speed. ahead! (Not that she has ever been anything other than full. speed. ahead!) She continues to have the sweetest disposition, and she still loves to snuggle. Her favorite phrase these days is, "Mommy hold you." Although it isn't always convenient for mommy to "hold her," it sure does melt my heart to hear her say it. I know that the day will come when she will not want me to hold her anymore so I oblige as often as I can!

She does have a mind of her own, but that isn't a new development. So far, the "terrible twos" haven't been too terrible just yet. She is asserting her independence more and more each day, and I am sure we won't be exempt from the "terrible twos" (or threes), but for now, we are counting our blessings each day! She has always been (and continues to be) a very easy going little girl, and I know just how fortunate we are.

During the past month, her vocabulary has exploded! A few weeks ago, she all of a sudden starting speaking in clear, complete sentences. She still has her own little language, but it is getting easier and easier to decipher her words. Some of my favorite"Addy" phrases/sayings are:
"Cake cakes" (cupcakes)
Addy has hot feet (she says this all the time -- even if her feet are like icicles)
Nonnipop (lollipop)
None nou (Love you)
Nun Nuh (another)
Mommy sit, Daddy sit, (everybody sit)
Not (For some reason, she doesn't say "no" right now. She says "not" instead)
Ah ah (this is what she calls her stuffed monkey)
Papa Reeeeky (Craig's dad's name is Ricky, and she all of the sudden started calling him Papa Ricky instead of just Papa)
I drop eee... (I drop eeee shoe, I drop eeee spoon, I drop eeee blankie, etc)
Good job mommy!
She says hundreds of other words/phrases, but these are some that I don't want to forget.

At two years old, she loves:

"gets" (aka grits)
Molly dog
hot dogs
chicken nuggets (Chick fil A are her favorite)
"vaffles" (waffles)
"biskits" (biscuits)
Her BFF La La
Her friend "Tuck Tuck" (aka Tucker)
Her cousin Ali
Aunt Trebbi
Uncle Wade
Her grandparents
Ah Ah (her stuffed monkey)
Doggy (her stuffed dog)
Nightnie (little blanket)
Blankie (big blanket)
Her swing set
Her riding toys (cars, tricycle)
Uncle "Johnshen" (aka Uncle Jonathan)
nonnipops (lollipops)
"party days" (every day is a party day right now)
Elmo, Abby and Cookie Monster
"Aunt" Michelle, "Uncle" Joey, "Aunt" BB, and "Uncle" A.J. (as of today, she officially loves her uncle A.J.)
Her new Magna Doodle
Her new Mrs. Potato Head
Books (She will sit in her chair and "read" book after book after book)
"Fra" boots (aka frog boots)

Most nights, she goes to sleep between 8:30 and 9:30, and she sleeps until 7:00 or 7:30. She still takes one mid day nap.

She is a little curious about the potty, but I don't think she is quite ready for potty training. She will sit on the potty, but she isn't ready to "use" the potty yet. We aren't in any hurry, but I don't think it will be too long before we are working on this milestone.

The past year has been an incredible year of growth for Addison. We are so proud of her and thank God for her each and every day.

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1 comment:

the zoo said...

and her aunt bb and uncle aj love her too!!