Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

40 Weeks, 2 Days

No baby yet, BUT we hope to have a little one by the end of this week! If all goes as planned, we'll be heading to the hospital at 6 pm on Thursday for the beginning of our "induction ceremony." I've been inducted into several organizations in my life, but something tells me I've never been inducted into anything quite like motherhood...

Since I seem to have a "stubborn cervix", they'll administer something to "soften" my cervix on Thursday night. Then, on Friday morning (bright & early, I presume) they'll break my water, start the pitocin and the festivities will REALLY begin. Hopefully, baby Addison will be here sometime Friday.

VERY EXCITING! We'll keep you posted of any "unexpected events" that might occur between now and Thursday evening.


Jennifer said...

Good Luck Nancy!....and Craig

We will be thinking of you!! And remember, Craig, your job over the next several do ANYTHING that you wife requests. We will be checking back often.

Derik & Julie said...

Welcome baby Addison! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! She's beautiful!