I am a little late on Addison's 4 week update, but we have been on the go, go, go! To celebrate Addison turning 4 weeks old, Michelle and I took her on her very first major shopping spree. Michelle's mom was in town, and she kept Lauren while Michelle, Addison and I loaded up the car and headed for North Charleston. We visited Babies R Us, Target and Belk's before returning to Beaufort. For the most part, Addison was a trooper. Like most babies do, she slept like an angel in the car on the ride to and fro. She was a little fussy from time to time while shopping but nothing too earth shattering.
We even had our first experience changing a stinky diaper in the back seat of the car (what fun).
Craig had to go out of town for business on Monday, and little miss Addison and I hit the road again. This time, Addison went on her very first major ROAD TRIP. My mom and I took her on a six hour trek to meet her great grandmother (my grandmother), who lives in Cherokee, NC.
We made a quick stop in Spartanburg on Monday to have lunch with my aunt Carol.
Then, it was up the mountain to the chilly, chilly air. We spent Monday night snuggled up in Cherokee with my grandmother and mom.
My grandmother declared that Addison might be a little spoiled because she preferred to sleep in my grandmother's lap to sleeping in the bed. Who can blame her? On Tuesday, we headed back to Beaufort. Once again, we stopped in Spartanburg for lunch -- this time meeting up with Craig's parents for lunch. It was a quick visit, but we look forward to seeing them again soon. 
I think we have a happy little traveler on our hands, which is super exciting to me, since I can't seem to sit still. Hopefully, Addison will continue to love to travel as much as I do. I see many fun adventures in our future -- especially when she gets just a little older.
Once home, we decided to see how Addison would do sleeping in her crib. Since I wasn't able to climb the steps for a while after the c-section, Addison has been sleeping in the pack and play in our bedroom downstairs. Initially, she fussed for a while but finally gave up the battle with the sleepy monster and slept soundly for a good four hours. Although it is hard not having her in the room with us at night, Craig and I know she gets a much better night of sleep in her cozy crib. As of today, she has spent 3 nights in her room now, and I think we have all been sleeping a little better. Keep your fingers crossed that we will continue to have a smooth transition to the crib.
What a wonderful (and busy) month it has been. Addison has grown so much in the past 4 weeks. Her little cheeks get chubbier by the hour I think, and she is so cute that Craig & I can hardly stand it. She continues to nurse well and does not mind a pumped bottle every now and then. She kicks her little legs and waves her little arms when she is excited and when she is mad. She is quite the grunter, and she makes the cutest little faces when she sleeps. She continues to love watching her mobiles, and she is growing quite fond of her swing as well. Bath time is by far her favorite time of the day, and I look forward to the time when we start bathing her every day as opposed to every other day. She is a great sleeper during the day, and she is getting better about sleeping at night. Occasionally, she will sleep 5 hours without waking, but that definitely is not the norm quite yet.

Once home, we decided to see how Addison would do sleeping in her crib. Since I wasn't able to climb the steps for a while after the c-section, Addison has been sleeping in the pack and play in our bedroom downstairs. Initially, she fussed for a while but finally gave up the battle with the sleepy monster and slept soundly for a good four hours. Although it is hard not having her in the room with us at night, Craig and I know she gets a much better night of sleep in her cozy crib. As of today, she has spent 3 nights in her room now, and I think we have all been sleeping a little better. Keep your fingers crossed that we will continue to have a smooth transition to the crib.
What a wonderful (and busy) month it has been. Addison has grown so much in the past 4 weeks. Her little cheeks get chubbier by the hour I think, and she is so cute that Craig & I can hardly stand it. She continues to nurse well and does not mind a pumped bottle every now and then. She kicks her little legs and waves her little arms when she is excited and when she is mad. She is quite the grunter, and she makes the cutest little faces when she sleeps. She continues to love watching her mobiles, and she is growing quite fond of her swing as well. Bath time is by far her favorite time of the day, and I look forward to the time when we start bathing her every day as opposed to every other day. She is a great sleeper during the day, and she is getting better about sleeping at night. Occasionally, she will sleep 5 hours without waking, but that definitely is not the norm quite yet.

My favorite thing of all is that she makes this little "coo" sound that absolutely melts my heart every time I hear it. I wish I could bottle it up and save it forever. I'm not sure Craig and I knew it was possible to love something as much as we love our little pumpkin. To say that she is the love of our lives is an understatement. We love you little girl, and we promise to be the best parents we can be to you. Happy 1 month!
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