Who would've know that something so small could occupy such a large part of our hearts? Six short weeks ago, we had just met our little girl. She was a day old, and we were only beginning to learn about each other. The past six weeks have been the most incredible weeks of our lives. Addison has already grown so much, and she is just the most amazing little thing on this earth. She loves to go for rides in the car; she is a big fan of her swing; she loves to go on lunch dates; she loves to shop with her mom; and she loves to eat! She weighs a little under 10 pounds and is starting to get the chubbiest little cheeks. It's hard to resist squeezing those little cheeks a thousand times a day. She is officially sleeping in her crib at night. She's usually sleeping when I put her down, but it never fails -- she wakes up as soon as I step out of the room. The good news is that she'll usually entertain herself for a while before falling back to sleep. She grunts, kicks and pumps her legs and waves her arms until she finally wears herself out. She'll sleep for a good 3-4 hours before waking for a feeding, which gives mommy a little time to sleep as well. She's been a kind of fussy this week, but it comes and goes so it isn't too bad. The evenings are the toughest time for us, but she usually settles down just before her bedtime feeding. She is definitely becoming more vocal as the days pass. She used to have a quiet, muffled cry (even when she was upset), but she now has a much louder, forceful cry when she is upset. Guess that just means she has a healthy set of lungs. She has added a few "whoo" and "who" sounds to her "coos" and grunts. Before we know it, she'll be chatting up a storm. She has developed a little rash (seborrhea dermatitis to be exact), but the doctor says not to worry. Evidently, the rash is very common in babies and should clear itself up (with the help of a little hydrocortisone) within the next few months. No worries. We sure are enjoying parenthood (even the parts where she pees, poops and spits up on us), and we can't to see what the future holds (other than the part where I have to go back to work). Mommy is sure to have a tougher time with that than Addison when that day comes. We love you to pieces little miss Addison, and we couldn't be happier to have you in our lives.
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