Where oh where has the time gone? Another week has FLOWN by, and we are enjoying our little girl more and more each day. We stopped by the doctor today for a weight check, and our little piggy is definitely getting enough to eat. She now weighs 8 lbs, 4 ounces, which means she has gained 9 ounces in the past week! Her weight gain definitely puts my mind at ease a little. It's so hard to know how much a breastfed baby is actually eating. Obviously, she is eating plenty!
During the past week, Addison spent a little time with her new neighbor Lauren. Of course, they are completely oblivious to each other's existence right now, but it is really cute to see them side by side. I can't wait for the day they start playing together. They are 2 lucky little girls.
During the past week, Addison spent a little time with her new neighbor Lauren. Of course, they are completely oblivious to each other's existence right now, but it is really cute to see them side by side. I can't wait for the day they start playing together. They are 2 lucky little girls.

Craig gave Addison her first pumped bottle today, and she sucked it down like a little fish. I was kind of worried that she wouldn't be interested in the bottle, but thankfully, I was wrong. Now I am kind of worried about how quickly she sucked it down. I might be attached to the pump all day trying to keep up with her appetite.

Addison has been awake so much more this week. There is nothing I love to see more than her beautiful eyes. Those eyes just light up the room. But, I do see trouble in the future with those eyes. How in the world will Craig and I tell her no when she flashes those eyes at us?

Her new favorite toys are mobiles this week. She loves the mobile on her swing, but her favorite is the mobile on her crib. When she's awake, she'll just hang out in her crib and stare at the mobile. It is the sweetest thing to watch.
It's been unseasonably cold for the past few days, and as much as I love the cold weather, I am anxious for it to warm up a little so we can get back outside for our afternoon walks. Who knows, when Craig goes back to work next week, Addison and I might even venture out for a lunch date or afternoon outing.
As you can see, Craig, Addison and I have had another wonderful week together. Of course, we've had our moments (usually in the middle of the night), but we take those moments in stride. In the blink of an eye, our little girl is going to be so grown up, and as crazy as it sounds, we know we'll be wishing for the sleepless nights with our 3 week old.


1 comment:
At least if I can't come over and see the little one, I can keep updated by the blog. It is amazing that it has been 3 weeks already. She is truly beautiful and we are so happy for you both. Hopefully we can come and visit soon.
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